Solar Powered Charger
Empathy Interview
For this assignment I was required to interview a classmate and create a solar charger specifically designed for them. I needed to use multiple skills in order to create my partner's ideal solar charger. I used my past experiences of 3D modeling and CAD and what I learned from Mr. Kinnear about soldering to make my solar charger.
Solar Charger Anatomy
Before the fabrication of this project, the class agreed on the layout of the solar charger. On the right is the electrical diagram we agreed upon. We have a battery between the solar panel and the output which allows the charger to store energy. Without the battery, the charger could only charge while exposed to direct sunlight.
Design Changes
The initial design of the charger was meant to represent a grill, but I ran into numerous problems along the way. As I began printing parts I was having issues with the structural integrity of the legs so I decided that I would remove all of the legs and I ended up leaving it as a box.