STEM Outreach

Kalani High School Special Education Outreach
In 2018, my robotics team and I began a very special relationship with a class of special needs students at Kalani High School. Over the years, we have introduced them to STEM related concepts, taught them how everyday objects can be used for science, and most importantly, made life-long friends. During COVID when we could not meet in person, we met on Zoom to connect and stay in touch. This class taught us so much about life and humility and my team and I are forever grateful for this experience.Â
In the first picture on the left, I am working with Bryan on a LEGO car. The car winds up with a rubber band and when released, shoots forward.
In the second photo, we are all playing Uno in groups. I was playing with two of my robotics teammates, Zach and Shea, and two Kalani students, Brian and Lance.Â
Stevenson Middle School Outreach
May 2022
The Stevenson Middle School Outreach was a project organized by two students doing their capstone project. The goal of the outreach was to teach students at Stevenson STEM skills such as CAD (Computer Aided Design) and programming. Stevenson School recently received a laser cutter along with Arduino kits except no one knew how to use them. I joined the two students leading the project along with other volunteers to teach multiple classes. I assisted in running the CAD lessons, teaching the children how to create two-dimensional drawings they are able to laser cut in Onshape. Onshape is an extremely accessible software because it is ran through a browser and comes at no cost.Â

Stevenson Middle School Outreach continued ...
June 2022
The second part of the Stevenson outreach was held in KRLL at Punahou School. This session was conducted with teachers, and focused on improving their own CAD abilities. After our initial service to the students the teachers of Stevenson expressed their interest in furthering their knowledge in CAD, so that they could do a better job of helping the students. We held an all-day workshop with the teachers, walking them through the process of making a laser cut car. This was a step up from what we had done with the students because we introduced the assembly feature which can be used to render and construct an object using various parts they have created seperately.
Science Symposium For Girls, Sacred Hearts Academy
Feb 2023
I was invited to the Science Symposium by Mike Richards, Founder and Director of Science Camps of America. I met Mike when I attended his science camp conducted on the Big Island. Ever since then, he has asked me to help him teach and mentor younger students at fairs and camps here on Oahu. Â
For this symposium, I was to assist Mike in teaching the students about ultra-violet light and how it interacts with people and the earth. After a brief lesson on the cause and effects of UV light, we walked the class through an activity to teach about what can/cannot block UV light. The girls first made bracelets out of pipe cleaners and UV light detecting beads (top picture), and then went outside to test them with various objects. They tested the UV blocking capabilities of various objects such as clothing, leaves, water, sunscreen, etc. After the data collection everyone returned to the classroom to debrief and share their findings with others.